
Creative Currents 〰️ by Alyssa-Ninja

〰️ Creative Currents: Beat the Clock, Boost Your Creativity

Hi Reader,

Oh my. In the last couple of days, I’ve watched over 70 investment videos—why, you ask? I’m finishing an online course that I started almost a year ago, but made more than 60% of the progress within the last week. Do you sense what I'm hinting at? A looming deadline.

My access ends tomorrow, and that ticking clock pushed me to action. This isn’t the first time I’ve raced to finish at the last minute.

Why do we wait until deadlines force us to move? Do we really need deadlines to get things done, or is there a way to harness that energy earlier?



Mysterious Mystras

I snapped this photo at the ruins of Mystras in Greece, a site rich with history and breathtaking colors. Built in 1249, this medieval city has been through centuries of change and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Each ancient building was once a project with its own set of pressures and deadlines, yet they’ve stood the test of time. It’s a reminder that even when deadlines feel overwhelming, what we create can last far longer than the stress of finishing on time.


Pattern Play

My Bearded Vase Crush

During my morning walks with Pepsi dog in the Viennese Stadtpark, I felt captivated by the architectural mastery of Otto Wagner. Along the Wienfluss (Vienna River) pathway, the most majestic turquoise vases greeted me daily. They feature a bearded man and I have to admit, I developed a soft spot for him. That's why his profile became a pattern. There's just something soothing about knowing that something is waiting for you day in and day out. Hint: Even small routines can inspire big creations.


Design Toolbox

Good Old Paper

Sometimes the simplest tools are the best. After arriving in Greece, I realized I couldn’t keep cramming thoughts into the last few empty middle pages of my old planner. So I bought a new notepad, and I’ve gone bananas with it—sketching, writing, planning. There’s a special kind of magic that happens when you physically write things down. It’s a great way to visually see what’s getting done. So if deadlines are breathing down your neck, try dumping everything onto paper. It might help clear your mind and organize your path forward.


Fuel Your Flow

Set a Timer

As I write this newsletter, my phone timer is counting down. I used to time myself with a smart daylight lamp, but in its absence, my phone works just fine. Creating an artificial deadline can be incredibly motivating, even if it's self-imposed. Whether you use a phone, a playlist, or an egg timer, setting time limits can transform how quickly and effectively you work. Next time you face a task, set a timer and see how much you can accomplish before it goes off—it’s like turning your to-do list into a game.

What made you smile today?

Let me know what’s inspiring you —I’d love to hear! Just hit reply and share your thoughts.



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Creative Currents 〰️ by Alyssa-Ninja

Diving into all things creative flow—sharing fresh patterns, design tools, tips for unlocking your creativity, and inspiration to fuel your work. Get ready for a dose of pure, minimalistic beauty designed to spark your imagination.

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